Trust, credibility, and loyalty can only be achieved by events that are of high and satisfactory standards. That is why TCEB is always challenging Thai MICE industrialists to consistently aim for organizational and hospitality standards that participants the world over expect. Be it operations, energy saving, food safety, contingency planning, or sustainability, MICE Capabilities can provide supports, consultation, and resources that will enable venue operators, event organizers, and professionals to reach the highest level of standards.
Thailand MICE Venue Standards (TMVS)
Started qualifying the MICE Venue Standard in 2015, today we have a total of 264 MICE operators in 3 Categories; which are Meeting room, Exhibition Venue and Special Event Venue. They can be separated in to 238 Organizations 910 Rooms, Exhibition 10 Venues 23 Halls, and Special Event 16 Venues. All venues have already been recognized for their superb standards. -
Ongoing Efforts to Up Thai MICE Venue Standards (TMVS)
MICE Capabilities has published “Thailand MICE Venue Standard Certification Handbook” to provide guidelines for Thai venues who wish to be recognized on the regional level. Venue operators can download the handbooks in various categories from www.micecapabilities.com.
With Topics Ranging From Future Trends Of MICE Venue, Sales Direction & Digital Marketing For Business Development, Food & Beverages Management Direction For MICE Venue, Venue Management: Case Study And Strategies, To Venue Leadership For TMVS / AMVS, The Venue Management Course, Created By TCEB, Is The First Curriculum In Thailand That Is Developed To Elevate Levels Of Services, Operational Quality, And Management Of Venue Operators. The Course Provides Training And Latest Trends And Knowledge To MICE Operators So That Thai MICE Standards Will Stay High And attract customers globally.
MICE Capabilities Also Offers 70% Financial Subsidy To Operators Who Wish To Receive ISO – International Organization Standardization For MICE Industry. Today, 33 Thai Operators Have Received ISO. Four Operators Have Received ISO 50001: Energy Management System, Seven Have Received ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System, Fifteen Have Received ISO 20121: Event Sustainability Management System, Six Have Received TISI 22300: MICE Security Management System (MSMS), Fifteen Have Received ISO 9001: Quality Management System, One Has Received ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management, And Six Have Received ISO 14001: Environmental Management System.
Wanida WanjitrawongSenior ManagerEmail. [email protected]Tel.+66 (0) 2 694 6000 ext. 6300
+66 (0) 6 4594 2924Project in Charge: MICE Standards -
Hathaichanun KankarunyakulExecutive